
Can a bank employee rejoin after resignation?

Can a bank employee rejoin after resignation?

It is not possible. You must join afresh through recruitment procedure. resignation becomes effective from the date mentioned in the resignation letter and the resignation can be withdrawn before the date mentioned in the letter of resignation. No it is not possible to join back in this situation.

Can I rejoin Punjab govt job after resignation?

The Punjab Government employees, who are absent from duty for a year without any sanctioned leave, will be considered as ‘deemed resigned’, the Finance Department has instructed. Divulging further, an official spokesman said that such employee would not be allowed to rejoin government service.

Can you resign from PSU?

No oral commitments or sayings shall become law. Appointment letter by the PSU explicitly mentions the requirement of one month notice after completion of probation period. For resignation in my case, what would be the valid document, The appointment letter or the service rules.

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Is Union Bank a government?

About Us. Union Bank of India is one of the leading public sector banks of the country. The Bank is a listed entity and the Government of India holds 83.50 percent in Bank’s total share capital.

What is gratuity in Bank?

On voluntary retirement under Pension Regulations after 20 years of service or resignation of an employee after 5 years of continuous service in the Bank. Gratuity shall be payable at rate of one month’s salary for each completed year of service subject to the maximum of 15 months salary.

How do you reapply for a previous job?

How to ask for an old job back

  1. Ensure you’re still in good standing with the company.
  2. Research other open positions at the company.
  3. Write a list of possible questions they may ask.
  4. Email or call to request an in-person meeting to discuss details further.
  5. Explain why they should rehire you and what you can contribute.