
Can a child have Stockholm syndrome?

Can a child have Stockholm syndrome?

Children or youth who have abusive athletic coaches might develop Stockholm syndrome. If they start to rationalize the coach’s behavior, they might defend or sympathize with them. This might lead to having Stockholm syndrome.

Can I stop my son seeing his dad?

A mother cannot stop a father seeing his child unless the court orders to do so. If the child is scared of the father due to some kind of abuse or harm, then the mother would need to speak to the child and gather evidence which may prove the child being at risk.

What happens to a child when their parent goes to jail?

Parent of a Minor Child For the incarcerated parent, the courts may terminate his or her rights to custody because of the conviction and prison or jail term. Then, the courts may place the youth with another person in the family or the other parent if he or she is alive and morally fit to take custody.

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Can mother stop father seeing child?

Can I Stop my Son from seeing his father during visitation?

Thus, by not sending your son with his father during his parenting time/visitation, you are violating a Court Order. However, when children are teenagers, it is often difficult to force them to see a parent he or she does not want to see and most judges recognize this problem.

What happens when a child refuses to visit a parent?

When a child refuses to visit with a parent, this scenario (1) prompts distrust and suspicion between the parents, (2) creates an awkward situation between the parents and the child, and (3) puts both parents in legal jeopardy if they don’t handle the situation appropriately.

Can a custodial parent force a child to go on visitation?

The custodial parent may feel that they are letting their child down if they force their child to go on visitation. Meanwhile, the visiting parent may feel like they are doing more harm than good to insist that the child visit.

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Can a child refuse visitation in South Carolina?

Many clients ask me whether there is an age can a child have to be to refuse visitation. Under South Carolina’s family laws, there is no set age at which a child can refuse to go visit with the other parent.