
Can a government employee criticize the government in India?

Can a government employee criticize the government in India?

8(2) Where any sanction has been accorded under sub-rule (1) no member of the Service giving such evidence shall criticize the policy or any action of the Central Government or of a State Government.

In which Landmark Judgement Supreme Court held that government servant has no right to go on strike neither moral nor statutory?

T.K. Rangarajan v.
1. No Right to Strike for Government Employees. In the case of T.K. Rangarajan v.

Are PIL and Writ Petition same?

A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) is a petition that can be filed by any member of the public for any matter of public interest, for redress of public wrong or injury. A Writ Petition may be filed by an aggrieved person(s) to seek legal remedies for violation of fundamental rights.

How do you write a writ petition for high court?

  2. MOST RESPECTFULLY SHEWETH : Facts of the case 2. Question(s) of Law 3.
  3. C. The Writ Petition should be accompanied by:
  4. I N D E X. _________________________________________________________________
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Can a government employee say against government?

Several service rules prohibit employees from criticizing the government. For example, both the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 forbid government servants from criticizing government policy or action.

What are difference between a writ petition under Article 32 and Article 226 of the Constitution?

Article 32 empowers the Supreme Court to issue writ all over India. Since, Article 32 is a fundamental right, the same cannot be refused by the Supreme Court. Article 226 confers Discretionary power to the High Court which means it is at the discretion of the High Court to issue a writ or not.

Can writ be issued against High Court?

Under Article 226, a person can move to the High Courts to file a writ petition when there is a violation of his/her fundamental rights. It should be noted that the authority against whom the writ petition is filed has to be present within the territory of India, otherwise, the petition has no value.

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Can a company file writ petition?

’19 Since a company gets recognized as a legal person even in different cases, Indian courts have granted certain fundamental rights that the company can enjoy, as we have seen in the above case scenarios. Therefore, the foundations of petitioning the courts are confined to certain provisions of the Constitution only.