
Can Audrey Hepburn play cello?

Can Audrey Hepburn play cello?

The charming 1957 movie Love in the Afternoon, with Maurice Chevalier, Gary Cooper stars Audrey Hepburn, who plays an innocent teenage cellist. Apparently, she did much of the cello playing in the movie.

Who plays the cello in if I stay?

Chloë Grace Moretz
In “If I Stay,” the actress Chloë Grace Moretz plays Mia Hall, a 16-year-old cello prodigy with a shot at getting into Juilliard.

Does Amy Irving play the cello?

She plays a cellist in that.

Does Chloe Moretz play cello?

Moretz may be a skilled actress, but she’s not exactly a cellist — not that she didn’t try to learn, of course. According to her interview with Chelsea Handler on Chelsea Lately, Moretz attempted to learn the cello for seven months before putting the bow down.

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Is there a If I Stay 2?

If I Stay is followed by the sequel Where She Went, released in April 2011. The novel picks back up years after Mia’s accident. This time, however, the novel is told from the perspective of Adam, Mia’s (now) ex-boyfriend.

What song does Chloe Grace Moretz play the cello?

Chloë Grace Moretz Admits to Cello-Playing Body Double in ‘If I Stay’ (Video)

Who is Kate Capshaw married to?

Steven Spielbergm. 1991
Robert Capshawm. 1976–1980
Kate Capshaw/Spouse

During the production of the film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), Capshaw became close to director Steven Spielberg, whom she later married. Originally an Episcopalian, she converted to Judaism before marrying Spielberg on October 12, 1991.

How old was Amy Irving in Carrie?

68 years (September 10, 1953)
Amy Irving/Age

What song does Mia play in if I stay?

Heart Like Yours. Adam is playing Mia the song he wrote for her in the ICU.

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Is there a movie called Where She Went?

The novel received positive reviews from the young adult audience, and Summit Entertainment optioned it in December 2010, for a 2014 film adaptation. A novel continuing Mia’s story, Where She Went, was published in April 2011.

Is the movie If I Stay based on a true story?

When you wrote If I Stay and Where She Went were the storylines based on a true story? The accident that kills Mia’s family in If I Stay is based on an accident that killed friends of mine and their two young sons.

Is there a sequel to If I stay?

Where She Went
If I Stay/Followed by
If I Stay is followed by the sequel Where She Went, released in April 2011. The novel picks back up years after Mia’s accident. This time, however, the novel is told from the perspective of Adam, Mia’s (now) ex-boyfriend.