
Can bone tuberculosis be cured?

Can bone tuberculosis be cured?

The major sites affected in bone tb are spine and weight bearing joints. It is a serious condition since it destroys the thoracic and leads to bone deformity. It is extremely important to detect bone tb symptoms as soon as possible. Bone tb is a curable condition if detected soon.

What are the symptoms of bone tuberculosis?

Symptoms of Bone Tuberculosis

  • Severe back pain.
  • ‌Inflammation in back or joints.
  • ‌Stiffness.
  • Trouble moving or walking, especially in children.
  • ‌Spinal abscess.
  • ‌Soft tissue swelling.
  • ‌Neurological disorders.
  • ‌Tuberculosis-related meningitis.

Can bone TB spread to others?

TROUBLE IN THE JOINT While pulmonary TB (lung) can spread through the air, bone TB is not contagious unless you come in contact with a patient’s pus. TB of the bone doesn’t show classic symptoms such as weight loss or fever, making diagnosis difficult.

What is skeletal tuberculosis?

Skeletal tuberculosis (TB) refers to TB involvement of the bones and/or joints. It is an ancient disease; features of spinal TB have been identified in Egyptian mummies dating back 9000 years [1,2], and analysis of 483 pre-Columbian skeletons in Chile showed lesions consistent with bony TB in 2 percent of cases [3].

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Can CT scan detect bone tuberculosis?

MRI offers excellent visualization of the bone and soft tissue components of spinal tuberculosis and helps to identify disease at distant asymptomatic sites. CT is useful in assessing bone destruction, but is less accurate in defining the epidural extension of the disease and therefore its effect on neural structures.

Can MRI detect tuberculosis?

MRI is the most sensitive modality for early diagnosis and follow-up of spinal TB. The earliest sign is marrow edema, seen as hyperintense signal on T2 and STIR (short tau inversion recovery) images.