
Can goldfish and bala sharks live together?

Can goldfish and bala sharks live together?

You have to avoid certain fish for an aquarium with bala sharks. Anything small enough to fit in their mouths has a high risk of becoming a snack. So avoid aggressive fish or fin-nipping fish. Bala sharks can’t thrive when other fish pick on them.

What fish can you put with Shubunkins?

Tank Mates Tetras, Guppies, Killifish, Glass Catfish, and Cherry Barbs all can work alongside the Shubunkin Goldfish. Because they are so active and fast-moving while feeding, you may have to watch and feed your fish at different times and in different areas to allow for each fish to eat properly.

What sharks can live with goldfish?

Rainbow Sharks are often kept alone, and Goldfish are always kept in pairs. If they have enough tank space between them, a temperature that’s comfortable for both species (see above), plus lots of plants and hideouts, they may find a harmonious balance in the aquarium.

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Will bala sharks eat other fish?

Juvenile bala sharks can be kept with a wide variety of fish due to their generally peaceful nature. As they grow larger, though, they will sometimes eat small fish, particularly sleek fish, such as the neon tetra. If only two or three balas are in the tank, a dominant fish may emerge and bully the others.

Can 2 Bala sharks live together?

Keeping Bala Sharks Together Bala Shark can be kept together as long as there is enough space for them to swim around. It is recommended that you keep at least 4 of them together. That will significantly decrease aggressive behavior.

Can angelfish live with Bala sharks?

Angelfish are a type of cichlid from South America. Unlike other cichlids, they do not tend to be aggressive, although they tend to be more aggressive during breeding and rearing. Some angelfish will eat small tank inhabitants, which isn’t a problem with the bala shark.

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Can shubunkins live with tropical fish?

Shubunkins will usually get along with any peaceful species of fish, although — as with fancy goldfish — it’s best not to house them with especially slow-moving fish. However, avoid keeping them with any far smaller fish, as it could be harder for them to compete for resources.

Will shubunkins mate with goldfish?

Goldfish Varieties All are the same species and can interbreed. Often people ask if shubunkins can breed with common goldfish or if fantails can breed with comets. Well, they are all the same species. Just as a yorkie and a doberman pincher dog can breed, so too can two different varieties of goldfish.

Can rainbow sharks live with Bala sharks?

As the Rainbow Shark dwells at the bottom of the aquarium, avoid other bottom-dwelling fish such as cichlids and catfish. You should also avoid any similar-looking fish, i.e. red tail sharks and bala sharks. When selecting tank mates, look for those fish that dwell in the middle and upper levels of the aquarium.

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Are Bala sharks aggressive?

Although not considered an aggressive fish species, Bala Sharks can eat smaller fish, especially those that are smooth and sleek, as they get bigger. However, these fish tend to get along well with many types of freshwater aquarium fish.

How long does it take for a bala shark to reach full size?

They actually grow quite fast and in as little as a month some have experienced them growing 1-4 inches.

How aggressive are Bala sharks?

You will generally find these fishes peaceful by nature, and they are rarely aggressive. As they get comfortable inside the fish tank, they become good swimmers, and at times they may even jump out of the tank. So, be careful. The perfect slender-shaped body of the Bala Sharks makes them good swimmers.