
Can I be notified when someone logs into my Verizon account?

Can I be notified when someone logs into my Verizon account?

All account members automatically get text and/or email alerts when they get near, meet or go over the account’s data allowance. You can set more alerts, such as an alert when 50\% of the monthly data is used. Keep in mind: We don’t send usage alerts for unlimited plans.

Can you read text messages from Verizon account?

Select Account on the My Verizon homepage. Click on Text Online. Read and accept the terms and conditions. Choose a conversation in the left pane to view messages.

Can I read my sons text messages Verizon?

Can I view the content of the text messages that my child sends and receives? No, Verizon Smart Family doesn’t enable you to view the content of your child’s texts. Nor does it allow you to view the pictures and videos on your child’s phone, or access the content of third-party messaging apps.

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Can a Verizon account be hacked?

Verizon Visible, the wireless giant’s budget offering, experienced an attack recently that saw customer accounts taken over and orders placed using stored payment information. Verizon has verified that the hacked accounts were compromised by a credential stuffing campaign.

Can my parents see my texts on Verizon?

Without breaking the rules and doing something possibly illegal, no, you cannot see other people’s private text messages, even if it’s your Verizon account they happen to be using their phone on.

How do I get rid of Verizon Smart family?

Verizon Smart Family™ – Android™ – Unpair Parent and Child Devices

  1. From the Smart Family parent app, tap the. Settings icon.
  2. Tap. Family settings. .
  3. Select the desired family member or mobile number.
  4. Tap. Smart Family Companion. .
  5. Tap. Remove. (at the bottom).
  6. Review the info then tap. OK. to confirm.

Can my child Turn off Verizon Smart family?

Note: With the Just Kids plan, you can’t unsubscribe or downgrade from Verizon Smart Family Premium because it’s included for free as part of the plan. To make changes to your subscription, you’ll need to change your plan in My Verizon.

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How long does Verizon keep deleted text messages?

Verizon: Keeps records of calls and cell towers used for a year; text message details are retained for up to one year, actual text message content between 3 to 5 days; Internet session information for up to a year, and Web sites visited for up to 90 days.