
Can I charge my laptop with 90w charger?

Can I charge my laptop with 90w charger?

Yes, you can use a 90 watt ac adapter, a.k.a power charger, for your 65 watt-compatible laptop. It will actually charge your battery faster.

What happens if I use a 65 watt charger on a 45 watt laptop?

As long as it is the same voltage and connector type you can use a higher watt adapter. It will charge the battery a bit faster but other than and the size of the brick you will see no difference.

Is it OK to use a higher wattage laptop charger?

If your laptop charger has higher wattage than your laptop, you should be able to use it without a problem, as long as several other conditions are met. For example, the connector has to match the laptop and the amperage has to be equal to or higher than the laptop’s amperage.

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Can I use 90W charger instead of 120W?

You should be OK. Hi Reo, thanks for the pointer. The rating inside the laptop battery compartment is 18.5V & 6.5A so 120W. The rating on the charger is 19.5W & 4.61A so 90W.

Can I use 90w charger instead of 45w?

Yes you can use a 90 watt charger on a 45 watt laptop as long as everything like the connection and stuff matches . Those universal chargers you see in stores that have different tips for many different laptop brands and models are essentially just that .

Can I charge laptop with 45w charger?

You definitely can use a lower wattage charger for your laptop (you can even charge your laptop without a charger!), but this will directly impact the performance of your laptop itself. For instance, using a 45 watt charger for a laptop that requires 90 watts might not enable it to function at its maximum potential.

Can we use 65w charger for 90w laptop?

No it will not hurt your laptop or it’s battery. A more powerful PSU will be able to run the laptop and charge the battery at the same time.

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Can I use a 90W charger instead of 230w?

Generally the answer is yes, but it won’t supply enough power to charge the battery while you’re using your laptop. This will probably invalidate your warranty and could cause damage to your laptop, but the changes for that are small.

Will a 90W charger work 150w laptop?

Yes of course. A good battery. Run the laptop on battery. At lunch hour turn it off at the remote location and let it charge up with the 90w adapter.