
Can I donate platelets if I have a sore throat?

Can I donate platelets if I have a sore throat?

You can’t donate blood if you have a fever, a productive cough, if you do not feel well, or if you are taking antibiotics to treat a sinus, throat, or lung infection.

Can I donate blood if I have a sore throat?

You must be in good health at the time you donate. You cannot donate if you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug or any other infection.

Can I donate platelets if I have a cold sore?

You cannot donate with herpes or a cold sore when the lesions are active. You can donate if the lesions are dry and almost healed.

Can a thyroid patient donate platelets?

Thyroid disease Patients with thyroid disease may not donate if the condition is under investigation or if malignancy is suspected. Anyone on maintenance therapy with levothyroxine must be stabilised for at least three months before donation. An over- or an underactive thyroid increases the risk of heart disease.

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Can you donate blood when sick?

Plasma is the fluid that carries the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. If you have a cold or the flu, you can donate blood, as normal, 7 days after you’ve recovered from your symptoms. If you recently had the flu vaccination and are feeling well, you can still donate blood.

Can I donate blood while taking amoxicillin?

If you have a fever or an active infection, wait until the infection has resolved completely before donating blood. Wait until finished taking oral antibiotics for an infection (bacterial or viral). Wait 10 days after the last antibiotic injection for an infection.

Do cold sores have blood in them?

Over 2-3 days, the blisters rupture and ooze fluid that is clear or slightly yellow. This is sometimes called the “weeping phase.” About 4-5 days after the cold sore appears, it crusts and scabs over. It might crack or bleed as it heals.

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Can you get cold sores through blood?

Fact about herpes: Herpes is not present in the blood. People with genital herpes can still donate blood. Genital herpes is only passed through direct skin-to-skin contact, both orally and genitally.

Can you donate platelets and blood at the same time?

Yes, if you have type AB blood and your local American Red Cross Donation Center does not currently offer plasma-only donations, platelet donation is your next best option. You can give a platelet and plasma donation at the same time. Only 4\% of the U.S. population has type AB blood, which makes it extremely rare.

Can I donate blood if I take pain relievers?

You may donate blood while taking nonnarcotic pain relievers. Aspirin interferes with platelet function and should be discontinued prior to platelet donation as follows: Aspirin: You cannot donate platelets if you have taken aspirin in the last 48 hours.

How long does it take to donate platelets to cancer patients?

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Plan to spend about 2 1/2 hours in the Blood Donor Room when you are donating platelets. 2. Why do some cancer patients need platelets? Some cancer treatments cause a loss of platelets. These specialized blood cells help control blood clotting.

How many times a year can I donate plaqueplatelets?

Platelets may be donated every seven days, up to 24 times a year. Imagine if every platelet donor gave at least 10 times a year and the impact it would have! How can I prepare for my platelet donation? You need an appointment to donate platelets. Schedule online, through the free Blood Donor App or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS.