
Can I drink water during a Yom Kippur fast?

Can I drink water during a Yom Kippur fast?

When the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur begins at sundown on Tuesday, Sept. 18, so will traditional fasting. Those observing will commence their 25-hour fast until nightfall on Wednesday, all forms of sustenance are prohibited, including water. Not just a glass of water but the water you use to brush your teeth.

Can you drink liquids during Yom Kippur?

According to Chabad, a sect of Orthodox Judaism, all eating and drinking is forbidden on Yom Kippur — water included. Many fasting guides recommend drinking extra water in the days leading up to Yom Kippur, to hydrate one’s body in preparation for the water-free fast.

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Can you drink on Day of Atonement?

The Jewish fast on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is different from most other fasting practices around the world because not only do we not eat, we don’t drink.

What are the rules for Yom Kippur fasting?

Adults begin fasting at sundown the night before Yom Kippur and continue until one hour after sunset on Yom Kippur. So, this year, the fast will go from tonight until Saturday evening, lasting 25 hours in total. “Yom Kippur can only be one day. You’re not looking to extend Yom Kippur,” Rabbi Hain says.

How do you stay hydrated on Yom Kippur?

You should be focusing on your water intake a day or two before Yom Kippur so you can be properly hydrated. And no, coffee and soda don’t count as liquids. Water is what you should be drinking, so you can concentrate on davening and not the thick fuzzy feeling you get on your tongue when you don’t drink enough.

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Is it bad if I dont fast on Yom Kippur?

However, eating or drinking on Yom Kippur for your health is not the “sin” many of us grew up thinking it to be. In fact, if fasting on Yom Kippur endangers your life, Jewish law and tradition tells us we must not fast.

Is coffee OK on Yom Kippur?

Decrease caffeine from coffee, tea, soda, and other sources during the week preceding Yom Kippur. Otherwise, caffeine “withdrawal” can produce a headache that will make fasting more difficult.

Is it OK to exercise on Yom Kippur?

She highly regards and celebrates her Jewish heritage, but one thing she can’t seem to give up on Yom Kippur is exercise. According to Jewish custom, Yom Kippur requires (among other observances) that Jews abstain from eating and drinking, as well as bathing.