
Can I file a VA claim without a diagnosis?

Can I file a VA claim without a diagnosis?

As such, it should meet the standard of a current disability that is eligible for compensation. Ultimately, the condition does not need to be diagnosed, it just needs to be (1) related to service; and (2) something that impairs your daily functioning and earning capacity.

How much evidence is needed for VA claim?

For service connection, the burden of proof is to show that the veteran’s condition is “at least as likely as not” due to their military service. In essence, there must be at least a 50\% chance that the veteran’s condition is linked to their service, and if there is a 50-50 tie, VA must decide in favor of the veteran.

How often does the VA reevaluate disability?

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Between two and five years
VA usually reevaluates veterans’ service-connected disabilities on two occasions: Six months after leaving military service; and. Between two and five years from the date of the decision to grant VA disability benefits.

How do I fight not service-connected disability?

What Form to Use to Appeal. The Notice of Disagreement should be filed on VA Form 21-0958. This form is the only way you can appeal a denial of your disability claim (in the past you could file a Statement in Support of Claim).

What are the requirements for a VA disability claim?

To win your VA disability compensation claim, you must demonstrate three things: a medical diagnosis, a connection to active duty military service (nexus), and; medical evidence of recurring or persistent symptoms. If you don’t score on each of these criteria, you won’t get approved for VA disability benefits. Common Newly Awarded Claims

Do I need a diagnosis to receive VA benefits?

The good news is that there’s a way out of this predicament! By law, you do NOT need to have an actual diagnosis in your service treatment records. You simply need to show you have a medical diagnosis of the disability now, and it needs to be documented in your VA medical records OR private treatment records from an outside provider.

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Why was my VA disability claim denied?

In our experience, this is one of the most common reason why a VA claim gets denied. The veteran failed to show a clear medical diagnosis of a disability in his/her service treatment records, aka, your military medical records. Of course, there isn’t VA Rater!

Does my VA claim include all possible medical conditions?

Although VA is required to consider all possible diagnoses, you cannot be assured that VA will perform its duty correctly. Make sure your claim includes all possible medical conditions that relate to your symptoms.