
Can I flash stock ROM using TWRP?

Can I flash stock ROM using TWRP?

In most cases, TWRP can be installed on a full stock device with no root, as long as the bootloader can be unlocked. Once installed, TWRP can be used to install all types of custom ROMs, stock ROMs, custom kernels, system-level mods, root scripts, etc.

How do I get Miui developer ROM?

Method 1 – Installing the MIUI Developer ROM update package directly

  1. Download the MIUI v6 Developer ROM v4. 8.29.
  2. Place the downloaded ROM file in the downloaded_rom folder on internal storage.
  3. Open Updater app, press the Menu button. Then tap on ‘Select update package’ option and choose the downloaded ROM (miui_MI3W_4.

What is developer ROM?

A Beta ROM or Developer ROM is a ROM with new features that may be still under development or needs some improvements to become stable. Logically, a Beta ROM is a ROM that is built before the release of Stable ones, mainly for checking and debugging purposes.

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How do I go back from custom ROM to stock ROM?

For a quick refresher, here are the steps:

  1. Find a stock ROM for your phone.
  2. Download the ROM to your phone.
  3. Back up all your data.
  4. Boot into recovery.
  5. Select Wipe to factory reset your phone.
  6. From the recovery home screen, select Install and navigate your way to the stock ROM you downloaded.

How do I change my ROM from ROM to stable MIUI?


  1. Open the “Settings – about phone – System Update.
  2. Press three dots.
  3. Choose update package”, select the ROM package you downloaded in Step 1.
  4. Reboot the device when asked, let the process complete & post restart your will be greeted to MIUI 10 start-up screen.

What is developer ROM and stable ROM in Miui?

A stable rom is one which is tested by the developers and doesn’t contain any bugs and is safe to flash. Whereas a developer rom is under development rom which might have some bugs which may harm your device’s software or hardware.

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What is Miui developer?

MIUI (pronunciation: Me You I) is a modified Android ROM developed by electronics manufacturer Xiaomi for its smartphones.