
Can I give only one subject exam in NIOS?

Can I give only one subject exam in NIOS?

Yes, you can appear for only 1 subject under improvement admissions or dual enrolment. Yes, you may. Minimum number of subjects to appear is one and maximum would be 4.

What happens if you fail one subject in NIOS?

For the students failed in any subjects, there is a facility to reappear for the uncleared paper only. In comparison to other boards it is easier to pass exam from NIOS. You don’t have to give the On- demand exam for all the exams again, you can just reappear for the subjects you have failed in.

Can I give exam of only one subject?

As you mentioned that you had 6 subjects in 12th and you are passed in 5 subjects so even if you have failed in one subject, you will still be considered pass but if you want to get passed in the subject you have failed then you have the chance of giving compartment exam next year.

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What should I do if I fail in NIOS exam?

NIOS allows you to apply again in a subject, which you have already passed, for improvement of performance but only once. You have to apply for improvement in the same manner as for appearing at the first chance examination and pay the required fee.

Can I change my subjects in NIOS?

During the admission period of five years, you can change one or more subject(s), provided the total number of subjects does not exceed seven. However, such a change is permissible within four years of your registration, so that you can appear in Public Examinations within the validity period of admission.

What if we fail in term 1?

As per the official notice, no student would be declared fail or pass at the end of Term 1. CBSE would be sharing the scorecard or marks scored by students at the end of Term 1. The final CBSE Result, however, would only be released after the Term 2 examinations – or March-April Examinations in April- May.

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Does everyone pass in NIOS?

A student must score a minimum of 33\% marks in the aggregate in the NIOS exam which includes theory and practical where applicable. A student must pass in 5 subjects including at least one but not more than two languages.

Can I give NIOS and CBSE together?

YES, you Can go for CBSE and Nios simultaneously. cbse is a regular board while niOS is a correspondent board. So technically there is no problem in this you can go together.