
Can I present a cheque after 6 months?

Can I present a cheque after 6 months?

Technically speaking, cheques don’t have an expiry date. But, in practice, banks will usually reject a cheque if you try to pay it in or cash it more than six months from the date of issue – that’s the date written on the cheque.

What happens to a cheque after 3 months?

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Sunday said cheques presented after three months from the date of issue would not be accepted in banks. Currently, cheques presented up to six months after the date of issue are accepted. …

What is the law on post dated checks?

Is it illegal to postdate a check? “From a criminal law perspective, there is nothing inherently illegal about postdating a check,” says Eric Hintz, a criminal defense attorney in Sacramento, California. Luckily for them, Foster waits to cash postdated checks, but he isn’t legally obligated.

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Are post dated Cheques legal in India?

It is only a bill of exchange when it is written or drawn. It becomes a cheque only when it is payable on demand. A post-dated cheque does not become payable until the date, which is shown on the face of the said document, arrives. It will only become a cheque from the legal po ….

Can we deposit post-dated cheque in bank in India?

You can definitely deposit a post dated cheque into your account, but it will be cleared only on the date written on the instrument. So, though it is possible to do it in practice, it has no purpose.

What if my cheque expires?

THE SUPREME Court has held that cheques can be revalidated by the drawer to give them fresh life of another six months after expiry of the validity period. the supreme court has held that cheques can be revalidated by the drawer to give them fresh life of another six months after expiry of the validity period.

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What happens if cheque is over date?

Ans: Since the Validity of your cheque is over (VALID FOR 3 MONTHS ONLY FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE) as stated above . It is advised not to present the cheque. Since you options for recovery of amount by filing cheque bounce case are closed. You may file civil suit for recovery against the said due amount pending.

Is post-dated Cheque legal in India?

What happens if a post-dated check is cashed?

If a bank does pay a postdated check before the check’s date even though it has received proper notice from the customer, the bank is liable to the customer for any loss resulting from the bank prematurely paying the check.