
Can I receive OTP when abroad?

Can I receive OTP when abroad?

Yes you can receive otp in ur India number while you are abroad. Reach out to ur nearest mobile operator touch point and activate international roaming service. If u want to use calls internet and sms will have to opt for a pack as well ,which will be charged depending on the number of days of travel.

Can I receive OTP overseas Airtel?

No, without international roaming activated, you will not receive the SMSs/OTP if you are roaming. But International roaming service is activated by default for prepaid SIMs. For Postpaid SIMs, you have to get it activated by calling or visiting your service provider.

Can I receive SMS airtel?

In Simple Words If you got a 4G SIM replacement for your Airtel mobile number you will not receive or send any sms upto 48 hours. You will be unable to send sms from airtel prepaid and Postpaid. Just call Airtel Customer Care and Ask them to enable SMS Services and restart your mobile to starting sending sms.

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Is SMS pack available in airtel?

Here’s a list of Airtel SMS Pack with price ranging from Rs. 2 to Rs. 3998….Airtel SMS Pack Recharge Plans List.

Pack / Plan Validity Price (Rs.)
International Roaming Pack 496 1 day 496
International Roaming Pack 2499 30 days 2499
International Roaming Pack 648 1 day 648
International Roaming Pack 8997 180 days 8997

Can I use Indian Airtel SIM in Australia?

Yes, Airtel SIM works in Australia. I have recently moved to Australia and had Airtel SIM in india.. Once you are in Australia, you can Manually select the operator like Vodafone, Optus, Telstra, etc and you will continue receiving incoming calls and messages.

Can I receive SMS over WIFI?

No, it can not. SMS texts are sent and received via services of telephone communitation Global System for Mobile Communications. Android phones cannot send or receive SMS with wifi only.

Why can’t Airtel receive SMS?

Incoming/outgoing SMS services are active for your airtel account. Please delete few SMS from your Inbox and Sent items of your handset. 3. There should be a minimum balance of Re1 in your account in order to send or receive SMS.