
Can I use OpenStreetMap?

Can I use OpenStreetMap?

Yes. The OpenStreetMap License allows commercial use.

Is OpenStreetMap copyrighted?

OpenStreetMap data is now licensed under the Open Database License. When you upload data to OSM, you remain the copyright holder of your data, but you grant certain rights to the OpenStreetMap Foundation under the Contributor Terms. Some contributors additionally release their contributions to the public domain.

How do I use OpenStreetMap code?

Today, the average Android user checks phone messages every 12 minutes….3. OpenStreetMap

  1. Navigate to the area you want to display.
  2. Click on the sharing button.
  3. Click the “HTML” option.
  4. Click “Add a marker to the map.”
  5. Copy the HTML text in the box (starts with
  6. Past the code into your web app.

Can I use OpenStreetMap tiles?

OSM data is free to use for any purpose, including commercial use, and use is governed by our distribution licence, the ODbL.

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What is OpenStreetMap API?

OpenStreetMap has an editing API for fetching and saving raw geodata from/to the OpenStreetMap database — this is the entry page for the documentation. If you just want to embed a map into a webpage, you don’t want this API. Use a Web Map Framework instead.

How do I install OpenStreetMap?

Follow the next 4 easy steps to install the free maps from OSM (Openstreetmap) onto your PC.

  1. 1 – Download the file. Go to and click on the bottom-left square: Maps for Garmin GPS-Receivers.
  2. 2 – Unzip the file.
  3. 3 – Install the map.
  4. 4 – Enable the map in Garmin BaseCamp.
  5. 15 Comments.

How do I cite OpenStreetMap data?

In addition, when OpenStreetMap data is introduced in the paper, a citation should be included to “OpenStreetMap contributors. (2015) Planet dump [Data file from $date of database dump$]. Retrieved from”. This is formatted in APA style and should be adapted to whatever style is needed.

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Does OpenStreetMap use Google maps?

OpenStreetMap is free without any hidden charges, but Google Map has certain charges with Google mapping services. Google Map is a close system, and every information is property of Google. OpenStreetMap is an open data source, and its information is available to every organisation and user.