
Can isentropic process be irreversible?

Can isentropic process be irreversible?

Spontaneous processes are irreversible, but the two words are not synonymous. Isentropic: A process in which the entropy does not change. An isentropic process is reversible (according to the Second Law) and also quasistatic.

Are adiabatic processes irreversible?

Naturally occurring adiabatic processes are irreversible (entropy is produced).

Is isentropic expansion reversible?

Yes, by definition, an Isentropic process is a reversible adiabatic process. The first part i.e. entropy transfer may be positive, negative or 0 depending on direction of flow.

Does isentropic mean adiabatic and reversible?

Isentropic process: entropy is a constant, Ds=0. A reversible, adiabatic process is always isentropic since no entropy generation due to irreversibilities (sgen=0) and no change of entropy due to heat transfer (ds=? Q/T=0).

Is isentropic and adiabatic process are same?

In summary: 1. Adiabatic process is the process wherein there’s absolutely no heat loss and gain in the fluid being worked on whereas isentropic process is still an adiabatic process (there’s no heat energy transfer) and is the reversible type (no entropy change).

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What is the difference between reversible and irreversible adiabatic process?

The difference is that one expansion is quasi-static (the reversible one) while the other is spontaneous because of a dramatic change of the external constraints (the irreversible one). In the quasi-static case, you start off indeed in the state where gas pressure equates external pressure.

Is expansion reversible or irreversible?

The most common example of work in the systems discussed in this book is the work of expansion. It is also convenient to use the work of expansion to exemplify the difference between work that is done reversibly and that which is done irreversibly.

Why isentropic process is reversible?

A reversible, adiabatic process is always isentropic since no entropy generation due to irreversibilities (sgen=0) and no change of entropy due to heat transfer (ds=? Q/T=0).