
Can microarray be wrong?

Can microarray be wrong?

In addition, about 2.5 percent of samples with a normal karyotype had microarray results that revealed missing or repeated sections of genetic code that could result in a genetic disease. For fetuses with possible birth defects, about 6 percent of samples with a normal karyotype had abnormalities on the microarray.

What conclusions can be made from a DNA microarray?

Microarray data allows you to determine the level of gene expression in a patient for many genes at one time. In this case, the data provides some insight into which genes may be affected in the development of cancer. 7. In some cancer cells, mRNA is produced (as it would be in a normal cell).

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What can microarray analysis not do?

Microarray analysis does not identify all genetic disorders. For instance, it does not detect sequence variation (e.g., point mutations), a major cause of dominant, recessive, and X-linked disorders.

Which of the following statements about InterPro is incorrect regarding its features?

Which of the following statements about InterPro is incorrect regarding its features? Explanation: InterPro is a database of clusters of homologous proteins similar to COG. Explanation: Pfam is available at four locations around the world each providing a core set of functionality for accessing each family.

What is black in DNA microarray?

A black spot indicates that none of the patient’s cDNA has bonded to the DNA in the gene located in that spot. This indicates that the gene is inactive. (All of the genes in your experiment are active.)

Can a microarray Miss Down syndrome?

Microarray testing will find common chromosome conditions, like Down syndrome, and can also find chromosome conditions that would not be seen with a karyotype. Microarray results take about two to three weeks.

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Can a microarray detect Triploidy?

Microarray analysis of the 4282 nonmosaic samples identified all the aneuploidies and unbalanced rearrangements identified on karyotyping but did not identify balanced translocations and fetal triploidy.

What are the disadvantages of a microarray?

The most significant disadvantages of microarrays include the high cost of a single experiment, the large number of probe designs based on sequences of low-specificity, as well as the lack of control over the pool of analyzed transcripts since most of the commonly used microarray platforms utilize only one set of …

Are microarrays obsolete?

Microarrays are reliable and more cost effective than RNA-Seq for gene expression profiling in model organisms. Microarrays will not become obsolete but might be relegated to only a few uses.

Can microarrays detect translocations?

Microarray analysis will not detect certain chromosome rearrangements, such as balanced translocations (reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations) and inversions because, although there has been an exchange of DNA, there is no net gain or loss of DNA detectable by microarrays.

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Which of the following is not a disadvantage of Needleman Wunsch algorithm?

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of Needleman-Wunsch algorithm? Explanation: This method cannot be applied on genome sized sequences.