
Can OCI card holders vote in India?

Can OCI card holders vote in India?

The OCI is not entitled to vote, be a member of Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council or Parliament, cannot hold constitutional posts such as President, Vice President, Judge of Supreme Court or High Court etc. and he/she cannot normally hold employment in the Government.

Can a dual citizen vote in India?

Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) is a form of permanent residency available to people of Indian origin and their spouses which allows them to live and work in India indefinitely. Despite the name, OCI status is not citizenship and does not grant the right to vote in Indian elections or hold public office.

Is OCI considered dual citizenship?

Constitution of India does not allow holding Indian citizenship and Citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously. It is reiterated that holding an OCI card in no way entitles its holders to claim the status of dual citizenship.

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Does OCI amount to dual citizenship/dual nationality?

An OCI Cannot acquire agricultural or plantation properties in India. Therefore, Overseas Citizenship of India is not similar to the citizenship of India and therefore does not amount to dual citizenship/dual nationality. An OCI card holder cannot use Indian IDs.

What are the benefits of the openoverseas citizenship of India?

Overseas Citizenship of India allows a holder: (1) Multiple entry, multi-purpose life long visa free to visit India. (2) Exemption from registering with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) of India on their arrival in the… (3) Parity with NRIs in financial, economic, and

Who can apply for Overseas citizenship of India?

Overseas Citizenship of India. To apply for and use an OCI document, a holder must be a citizen of and hold a passport of another country, except that of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

How many OCI Card holders are there in India 2020?

As of 2020, there are 6 million holders of OCI cards among the Indian Overseas diaspora. The OCI scheme was introduced by The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2005 in response to demands for dual citizenship by the Indian diaspora.

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