
Can other state students write Comedk exam?

Can other state students write Comedk exam?

Yes, other state students can apply for COMEDK exam. It is necessary to meet the required eligibility criteria to appear for the exam.

Can other state candidates apply for COMEDK?

Yes , Students from all over the country are eligible to apply for comedk and Karnataka students too can appear for the test. Comedk is conducted online at different centers across the country. Yes why not .

Which exam is better KCET or COMEDK?

Difficulty level of COMEDK and KCET exam is somewhat similiar. The only difference in the exam is through KCET you can take admission in government and private colleges of Karnataka and through COMEDK you can take only in private colleges of Karnataka.

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Can Karnataka students apply for COMEDK?

Yes, non-Karnataka students can also appear for COMEDK exams. In fact, the purpose of COMEDK is to provide such students with an opportunity to study in Engineering and Medical colleges in Karnataka.

Can I write both KCET and COMEDK?

Yes! You can write both KCET and COMEDK. For COMEDK, you will not be requiring any domicile eligibility, however for admission into KCET, there are some domicile requirements to be met.

Can we write both COMEDK and KCET?

KCET and COMED-K both are state-level exams conducted for Karnataka state. Although both the exams are preferable to get a good engineering college, the choice depends on the preferences and eligibility of the students….I got 467 mark in ICAR. can I get a good college?

Category Cutoff Score Range
OBC/ EWS 300-320

What is the difference between COMEDK and KCET exam?

ComedK and kcet are very similar exams leading you to join colleges mentioned in your question. They differ in the fact that, kcet- conducted by the Karnataka government and the cet fees for colleges is around 36,000. (about 2 years, may be the same now).

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Which college has ECE branch aided admission through COMEDK?

BMSCE has ECE branch aided and if you get a good kcet rank the fees is only 18k/year. I beleive PESU also takes a small number of students through kcet (not sure about this, please check their website). So getting into these colleges through comedK is easier than kcet again this depends on the branch you are interested in.

What is the difference between COMEDK and UVCE?

Main difference is the cost, KCET seats in Govt and Govt.Aided Engg. colleges like UVCE , BMSCE will be around 18k, whereas in private Engg colleges will be around 50k per annum. Meanwhile in COMEDK, all colleges min will be 1.5k per annum.

What is the difference between KCET and CET fees in Karnataka?

They differ in the fact that, kcet- conducted by the Karnataka government and the cet fees for colleges is around 36,000. ( about 2 years, may be the same now). The admission to government colleges like UVCE and goverment aided courses like Electronics and communication in BMS cost you around 18,000.