
Can subdomain have different SSL?

Can subdomain have different SSL?

Yes, in general, a different SSL would be required for each subdomain, because each subdomain is considered a separate domain.

Does each subdomain need it’s own SSL certificate?

Yes, now you don’t have to buy separate SSL certificates for all your subdomains and go through the verification process, CSR generation, installation and renewal for each of them separately. Thanks to the wildcard SSL certificate.

Can a domain have multiple SSL certs?

You can install multiple SSL certificates on a domain, but first a word of caution. A lot of people want to know whether you can install multiple SSL certificates on a single domain. The answer is yes.

What is multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate?

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A Multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate is fabricated with combined features of both wildcard SSL and Multi-domain SSL. Under a multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate, a user can protect multiple fully qualified domains and their unlimited number of sub-domains (up to the first level).

How do I create a Multi-domain SSL certificate?

How to Generate a CSR for Multi-Domain SSL Certificates?

  1. Edit the config file and enable [ v3_req ]
  2. Enable SubjectAltName under [ v3_req ] section.
  3. Add Alt Name or SAN names in the config file.
  4. Generate the private key.
  5. Generate the CSR for multi-domain or SAN certificate.
  6. Test the CSR.

Is free SSL safe?

Free SSL Certificates They are considered quick, convenient, and appealing to website owners because they allow them to maximize the profit of their websites. A user can download multiple SSL certificates for his/her website without the rigorous vetting process as one free SSL certificate can only secure one domain.

Can I use a single SSL certificate for multiple subdomains?

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Can I use a single SSL certificate for multiple subdomains? To secure all subdomains of your domain, you will need to get a wildcard certificate. At Namecheap, you can purchase PositiveSSL Wildcard, EssentialSSL Wildcard, and PremiumSSL Wildcard.

How do I set up an SSL certificate for a domain?

Setting up an SSL Certificate for a Domain should always be performed by a knowledgable web server administrator. If you are not the server administrator, please submit a ticket requesting the installation of your new SSL certificate.

Do I need a wildcard SSL certificate for my domain?

No, the wildcard is for your subdomains. Any single domain SSL certificate will secure both www and non-www version of your domain name. For example, you do not need a wildcard certificate to secure and 4) Can I get an extended validated wildcard SSL certificate?

How do I secure my second level of subdomains?

To secure your second level of subdomains, you need to either buy a wildcard SSL for your subdomain or buy a multi-domain wildcard. For example, if you want to secure, you need a wildcard SSL where will become your primary domain, and will be its first level subdomain.