
Can we choose exam center in IGNOU?

Can we choose exam center in IGNOU?

Yes, you can give IGNOU TEE anywhere in India. In the examination form, you can choose your preferred exam centre while submitting the same. There are more than 600 exam centres across the country.

What is difference between Ignou study Centre and regional Centre?

Regional Centre is basically a body of IGNOU which is supervising study centres. while study centres are colleges or schools which are located in your near by area where you need to attend classes every Saturday and Sunday and the all assignments of IGNOU students need to submitted to their study centre.

Can I give my IGNOU exams anywhere in India?

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6. Can I appear for the term end examination anywhere in India? You can appear for the term end theory examination anywhere in India at any of the IGNOU centres where examinations are being held but you can appear for your practical exam only in the study centre to which you are attached.

How can I open IGNOU study center?

Prospective LSC is required to submit an Expression of Interest to associate with IGNOU as its LSC and provide information in the prescribed Basic Information Format; (Annexure1). Appointment letters for Coordinator and biodata of the approved ACs are sent to the RC immediately after the notification of the LSCs.

Is it possible to change the study Centre in IGNOU?

Candidates cannot change their study centre before confirmation of admission from IGNOU. Change of IGNOU Study Centre is not permissible in those courses where practical components are involved.

Is IGNOU study Centre and exam Centre same?

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Generally, IGNOU Exam Centre is the same as their Study Centre so students can have their own choice of exam centre while filling the online form. Candidates have to note that Change of Exam Centre is now permitted so you can make changes in the prescribed period.

How can I select my study center in IGNOU?

First of all you have to visit to official website of IGNOU. After that you will see many links available in Homepage. You have to click on “Procedure change study center online IGNOU” this page link. Now in front of you the changing study centre request will be available in front of you.