
Can you be saved if you step on a mine?

Can you be saved if you step on a mine?

You don’t, it’ll disarm itself immediately. Unfortunately it does this by blowing up, so best not step on one in the first place. The only good news (for a very twisted interpretation of the term) is that landmines typically have small explosive charges and are designed to maim, not kill.

What if you step on a mine?

There is a common misperception that a landmine is armed by stepping on it and only triggered by stepping off, providing tension in movies. In fact the initial pressure trigger will detonate the mine, as they are designed to kill or maim, not to make someone stand very still until it can be disarmed.

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Is there any way to survive a mine?

This means that, in general, the best way to survive a bounding mine is to throw yourself flat on the ground, face down. If you’re close enough, most of the shrapnel will pass over you. The best-known bounding mines, the German S-Mine class, had a four-second time delay on the fuse.

Can you out drive a landmine?

Efthimiou said that even going at high speeds, a car wouldn’t be able to move far enough away from a landmine after triggering it to escape the blast. The delay time on modern landmines is just milliseconds – hardly anything at all – so trying to outrun them probably wouldn’t work out so well in real life.

What is a bounding mine 38?

A bounding mine is an anti-personnel mine designed to be used in open areas. When tripped, a small propelling charge launches the body of the mine 3–4 feet (0.9-1.2 metres) into the air, where the main charge detonates and sprays fragmentation at roughly waist height.

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What is a CR 38 mine?

The TM-38 was a rectangular, metal-cased Soviet anti-tank mine used during the Second World War. The mine had a large raised rectangular central pressure plate with four reinforcing creases. When enough pressure was applied to the plate it collapses pressing down on a bolt connected to an internal lever.

How much weight does it take to set off a mine?

These mines are pressure activated, but are typically designed so that the footstep of a person won’t detonate them. Most anti-tank mines require an applied pressure of 348.33 pounds (158 kg) to 745.16 pounds (338 kg) in order to detonate. Most tanks and other military vehicles apply that kind of pressure.