
Can you connect multiple devices to I2C?

Can you connect multiple devices to I2C?

I2C is incredibly popular because it uses only 2 wires, and like we said, multiple devices can share those wires, making it a great way to connect tons of sensors, drivers, expanders, without using all the microcontroller pins. One is you might be able to power down or ‘de-select’ one sensor or another at a time.

How many slaves can we connect I2C?

128 slave devices
Each device on an i2c network has a 7-bit address, so a single network theoretically supports up to 128 slave devices.In practice though, the limit is much lower.

How many connection lines does I2C protocol?

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Features. The following are some of the important features of I2C communication protocol: Only two common bus lines (wires) are required to control any device/IC on the I2C network. No need of prior agreement on data transfer rate like in UART communication.

What is the maximum bus length of I2C?

So the maximum bus length of an I2C link is about 1 meter at 100 Kbaud, or 10 meters at 10 Kbaud. Unshielded cable typically has much less capacitance, but should only be used within an otherwise shielded enclosure.

How many devices can be connected to I2C communication * 5 points depends on addressing bit size no limitations depends on no of pins 100 devices?

I2C is a Multi-point protocol in which a maximum up-to 128 peripheral devices can be connected to communicate along the serial interface which is composed of a bi-directional line (SDA) and a bi-directional serial clock (SCL).

Is I2C good for long distance?

Indeed, I2C is not made for “long distance” communication….

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What limits I2C speed?

3.4 Mbit/s
High-speed mode Speed is one of the factors that limit the I2C bus application. Using a pull-up resistor which sets a logic 1 limits the maximum transfer speed of the bus which is why the high-speed mode at a speed of 3.4 Mbit/s is introduced.