
Can you create multiple blogs with one domain?

Can you create multiple blogs with one domain?

You Can’t Have Multiple Blogs. At least, not by default. The way that the WordPress Core is set up, each installation is an individual site. It has one database with one set of users tied to it.

Can you have 2 websites with the same domain name?

Yes, you can create 2 websites by using single domain name. There are two ways: you can create subdomain of your main domain like abc. domainname.

Can I have 2 blogs on Blogger?

Having multiple blogs allows you to write about each of your passions without ‘muddying the waters’ or feeling you have to write about a certain topic just to maintain a balance. The second benefit of having more than one blog, at least from a business perspective, is you can diversify your income.

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Can a blog have more than one niche?

A multi-niche blog simply covers multiple topics. The benefit of this is that you can write about all of your interests on the same blog. For example, you could write about photography one day then share your favorite recipe the next.

How many domain names can one website have?

You absolutely can have multiple domain names, but you don’t want them to resolve or be indexed by Google. To prevent that you set up a 301-redirect or “forward” the domain to the “real” domain.

How many blogs can I create in WordPress?

As many as you want, need, or desire — no limits. You may also notice that when you’re logged in the homepage gives you a link to the admin section of all blogs that you have access to. You can now manage all the blogs you want with a single login and user for all of them.

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Are blog titles copyrighted?

Why You Should Trademark and Copyright Your Blog Name and Logo? Registering a trademark is not mandatory to make a business website in the United States. If you run a small personal blog or business website and do not have plans to grow it further, then your creative works are already protected by the copyright.

How many blogs does Google have?

Here’s the step by step guide.. You can create up to 100 blogs under 1 Google Account.