
Can you disenchant the Champions cudgel?

Can you disenchant the Champions cudgel?

Unlike many other unique weapons, the Champion’s Cudgel can be disenchanted to learn its effects. It is enchanted with 25 points of Chaos Damage, an effect that has a 50\% chance for frost, fire, and shock damage to be dealt, either independently, or at the same time.

Can the Nightingale Blade be improved?

The Nightingale Blade can be upgraded with an ebony ingot with the Arcane Blacksmith perk. However, it does not benefit from any Smithing perks. This means that the weapon cannot be improved past flawless quality without boosting the Smithing skill over 100.

Whats the best sword in Skyrim?

The best Swords in Skyrim

Weapon Damage Upgrade with
Miraak’s Sword* 16 Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart, Dwarven Smithing
Chillrend* 15 Refined Malachite, Glass Smithing
Dragonbone Sword 15 Dragon Bone, Dragon Armor
Nightingale Blade* 14 Ebony Ingot, N/A

Can you disenchant Bloodskal blade?

Because of its unique enchantment, the blade cannot be disenchanted at the arcane enchanter, nor can any other enchantments be applied, even if the Dragonborn possesses the necessary perks. The enchantment also prevents the use of Elemental Fury.

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What is the most powerful enchantment in Skyrim?

With this exploit, Fortify Restoration is easily the strongest enchantment in Skyrim.

What is the best level to get the Nightingale bow?

Levels. The damage and value, as well as the magnitude of the enchantment, are based on the Dragonborn’s level when the bow is acquired. The best possible version is available at level 46.

Is the Nightingale Blade a Daedric artifact?

And every Artifact is granted as a reward of serving the Prince but the Dragonborn aquired Nightingale Armor even before first meeting Nocturnal. Technically the armor (and likely the blade and bow as well) are daedric artifacts, as they were created by Noctural, a Daedra.

What do I do with the Bloodskal Blade?

To open the door, equip the Bloodskal Blade. When doing a power attack, a red beam will come out of the blade. If doing a horizontal attack (done by moving to the side while doing a power attack from a standing position), a horizontal beam will come out, while a straight power attack results in a vertical beam.