
Can you join National Guard with epilepsy?

Can you join National Guard with epilepsy?

According to the Department of Defense, the military discriminates against people with epilepsy because it wants military people to be available for worldwide service at any time and with few limitations.

Is epilepsy considered a disability in India?

In India, epilepsy does not fall under the ‘disability’ category. We also do not have a disability discrimination act.

Can epilepsy join the military?

Epilepsy sufferers are also prohibited from joining the armed forces, though they may work in certain civilian military positions. Employment issues are responsible for 85\% of the cost of epilepsy on society. In the United States, the median income for persons with epilepsy is 93\% that of all persons.

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Is epilepsy considered handicapped?

Is Epilepsy Considered A Disability? Epilepsy is considered a disability and it has a listing in the Social Security Administration (SSA) Blue Book. For epilepsy to qualify for disability benefits, it must meet the criteria of the Blue Book listing.

What jobs can you do with epilepsy?

People with epilepsy are successfully employed in a variety of jobs that might be considered high-risk: police officer, firefighter, welder, butcher, construction worker, etc.

Can epilepsy be outgrown?

Most children who have epilepsy — which by definition means that they’ve had more than one seizure — will outgrow the condition. Most children with epilepsy are perfectly healthy and normal in other ways. 70\% to 80\% of children with epilepsy can control the condition completely with medication.

Can a person with epilepsy marry?

There is no reason why an epileptic person cannot get married and have children and lead a normal life. However, correct diagnosis is required as there are several kinds of epileptic seizures. Proper medication and precautions need to be taken though.

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Can epileptics drive cars in India?

In spite of medical recommendations, there is no provision to issue a driving license if the person has epilepsy. Thus, according to current Indian Law, as of now a person with epilepsy cannot drive. Medical examination is compulsory irrespective of age for all applicants for transport vehicle driving license.

Is milk good for epilepsy?

Statistical analysis revealed that all dairy products except high-fat milk and cheese significantly decreased latency time to clonic seizure compared to the solvent group.

Are there doctors with epilepsy?

Some neurologists take advanced training and become epileptologists, specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Many internists and family practice doctors also treat epilepsy.