
Can you put hydroquinone on acne?

Can you put hydroquinone on acne?

“Hydroquinone is a topical skin treatment for melasma, freckles, age and sun spots, and even acne scars,” says cosmetic and plastic surgeon David Shafer. “Used in combination with other acne products such as Retin-A, hydroquinone can help dramatically improve skin complexion.”

Is hyperpigmentation a form of acne?

Hyperpigmentation acne is different than other forms of acne because it does not appear as a raised pimple but rather a dark spot or patch on the skin. Other types of acne present as inflamed lesions called comedones .

Can hydroquinone make pigmentation worse?

Hydroquinone may cause local skin irritation, however, and thereby leading to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, making the skin pigmentation worse.

Does hydroquinone permanently remove dark spots?

The drug works by inhibiting new epidermal melanin production. Hydroquinone has been proven to be safe and effective for treating hyperpigmentation in patients aged 13 years and older when used as directed.

Can I use hydroquinone and niacinamide together?

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Moreover, good to excellent improvement was reported in 44 percent of patients with niacinamide and 55 percent with hydroquinone 4\%. Niacinamide reduced the mast cell infiltrate and showed improvement in solar elastosis as well.

How do you know if hydroquinone is working?

It takes about four weeks on average for the ingredient to take effect. It may take several months of consistent use before you see full results. If you don’t see any improvements within three months of OTC use, talk to your dermatologist.

Does hydroquinone give permanent results?

Monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone, which is a permanent depigmentating agent, should never be used to treat melasma, as it causes irreversible loss of pigment.

What happens if you stop using hydroquinone?

If your skin lightens, stop using hydroquinone regularly and only use it if the dark spots reappear. Wait two or three months to use it in the same areas. Prolonged regular use of hydroquinone may lead to exogenous ochronosis, which can cause blue-black pigmentation and papules, red bumps on the skin.