
Can you run Dijkstra on undirected graph?

Can you run Dijkstra on undirected graph?

You can use Dijkstra’s algorithm in both directed and undirected graphs, because you simply add edges nodes into the PriorityQueue when you have an edge to travel to from your adjacency list.

What is the time complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm when the graph is represented as adjacency matrix?

We have discussed Dijkstra’s algorithm and its implementation for adjacency matrix representation of graphs. The time complexity for the matrix representation is O(V^2).

What is the running time of the Dijkstra’s algorithm?

The running time of Dijkstra’s algorithm depends on how these operations are implemented. We can use an unsorted array for the min-priority queue. Each insert and decreaseKey operation takes Θ(1) time. Each extractMin operation takes time O(q), where q is the number of vertices in the min-priority queue at the time.

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Does Dijkstra run in polynomial time?

The famous Dijkstra algorithm solving this problem is discovered by Edsgar Dijkstra in 1959 [4]. The algorithm runs in time linear in the number of edges in G. Algorithms solving these problems run in time polynomial in the size of the inputs, and we call such algorithms efficient.

Can Dijkstra handle unweighted graph?

If there are no negative weight cycles, then we can solve in O(E + VLogV) time using Dijkstra’s algorithm. Since the graph is unweighted, we can solve this problem in O(V + E) time.

How can calculate complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm?

Assume the source vertex = . Time Complexity of Dijkstra’s Algorithm is O ( V 2 ) but with min-priority queue it drops down to O ( V + E l o g V ) .

Is Dijkstra’s algorithm NP complete?

No, this is not possible. Your simplified problem is still NP-hard. A reduction from travelling salesman: Given a graph (V, E) , find the shortest path that visits each v in V exactly once.