
Can you Unsend a Tumblr message?

Can you Unsend a Tumblr message?

Deleting Messages Any fan mail sent directly to you appears here, as do submissions to your blog and any questions sent through the Tumblr ask feature (if enabled). To delete a message, click the cross icon next to it and then click “OK.”

What counts as spam on Tumblr?

Spam blogs on Tumblr frequently use one of three different methods for content: pornographic videos and photos, repeated marketing text posts with excessive external links and sporadic massive quantities of reblogs all in a row.

Does blocking someone on Tumblr delete messages?

What Blocking Does. Blocking someone on Tumblr primarily prevents that user from communicating with you in any way. He will not be able to see anything from you in his dashboard, and you won’t see him in your dashboard. He will also not be able to send you messages of any kind.

Does Tumblr read private messages?

And unlike the Tumblr “Ask” feature, instant messages cannot be anonymous. That is, the recipient will at least by able to identify you with your Tumblr account information, though that may not mean they know your real name if that isn’t information you’ve already provided on your site.

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What happens to messages when you delete Tumblr?

Takeaways: How to Delete Your Tumblr Account? Once you confirm the deletion request, your likes, messages, primary blog content will be gone from the site forever. The only exception of your group blog contributions. These will remain active.

What does a green dot mean on Tumblr?

To encourage communication, you can let your Tumblr friends see that you have recently been active on your blog. We indicate this with a green dot next to your avatar. If you’d rather not show this, you can disable the feature.

How do you report a message on Tumblr?

To report a post, click or tap the meatballs icon (the three dots) and choose a reporting option from there. To report an entire blog, first click or tap the blog’s username from the dashboard to view their blog. Then tap the little human icon (or click the meatballs if you’re on desktop web), and then choose “Report.”

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How do I know if I was blocked on Tumblr?

Notifications show extra updates on your Dashboard, including actions like reblogs and new followers. Additionally, when you ignore a person on Tumblr, you will no longer be able to see him in your notes. If an ignored user writes a note on one of your posts, you won’t see it listed.

How do I stop receiving messages on Tumblr?

In the app: From your Account tab, tap the gear icon, then Settings, and then “Sounds.” You may enable or disable messaging sounds from there. On the web: From your dashboard settings, you may toggle the “Messaging sounds” option on or off.