
Can you use an infrared thermometer under your tongue?

Can you use an infrared thermometer under your tongue?

Traditional mercury or digital thermometers are used by placing the instrument inside an object — most commonly, in your mouth under your tongue. Infrared thermometers, on the other hand, allow temperature to be measured without contacting the object (or your body) at all.

How far should an infrared thermometer be from the head?

Hold the thermometer at a length of 3 fingers put together from the person’s temple (3-5 cm). The thermometer should not touch the skin.

What kind of thermometer is most accurate?

rectal thermometers
What type of thermometer is most accurate? Digital oral and rectal thermometers are the most accurate. Rectal thermometers, while they may not be used widely for at-home use, are the better measure of core temperature.

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Which is more accurate digital or mercury thermometer?

Friend: Of course, a mercury thermometer is more accurate. Hospitals use mercury ones. When used correctly, the digital thermometer is accurate enough to meet daily needs and safer than the mercury thermometer.

Can you use a forehead thermometer in your mouth?

The most common kind of contact thermometer uses electronic heat sensors to record body temperature. These thermometers can be used on the forehead, mouth, armpit or rectum.

Can a mercury thermometer be wrong?

Mercury thermometer are extremely repeatable and accurate over many years. You could put a working mercury thermometer in a time capsule and bury it for 10,000 years and it would still be working accurately. As long as the glass has not been cracked it will continue to function accurately.

Which thermometer gives the most accurate temperature?

digital thermometer
A digital thermometer is the most accurate and quickest way to take a temperature. Digital thermometers are available in most drug stores and supermarket pharmacies. Depending on where you shop, a digital thermometer can cost from $6 to $20. Be sure to follow package instructions while using any thermometer.