
Did Flash Gordon really play for the Jets?

Did Flash Gordon really play for the Jets?

Quarterback. New York Jets.” With those six words, Flash Gordon secured his place in history as one of the most beloved players in New York Jets history.

Why did the NY team choose the Jets?

Werblin renamed the team the New York Jets since the team would play near LaGuardia Airport and because it rhymed with the New York Mets as they would be playing in Shea Stadium.

Who was the quarterback for the New York Jets in the 70s?

Regular season

Season(s) Quarterback (games)
1970 Al Woodall (9) / Joe Namath (5)
1971 Bob Davis (7) / Al Woodall (4) / Joe Namath (3)
1972 Joe Namath (13) / Bob Davis (1)
1973 Al Woodall (6) / Joe Namath (5) / Bill Demory (3)
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What happened to the actor who played Flash Gordon?

He appeared in “Deadman Switch”, an episode of the television series Stargate SG-1. In 2002, Jones retrained and, when he is not acting or working autograph booths on the ComicCon circuit, he works as a high-end security professional in San Diego, protecting traveling executives to Mexico.

Is Flash Gordon part of DC?

Flash Gordon (Volume 1) was a limited series, published by DC Comics. It ran from 1988 until 1988.

Who was the best Jets QB ever?


Rk Player QBrec
1 Joe Namath 60-61-4
2 Ken O’Brien 50-55-1
3 Richard Todd 42-51-1
4 Chad Pennington 32-29-0

Who was the first black quarterback for the Jets?

John Eddie “J. J.” Jones (April 16, 1952 – July 9, 2009) was an American football quarterback in the National Football League. He was signed by the New York Jets as an undrafted free agent in 1975, the team’s first African-American quarterback….J. J. Jones.

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TD-INT: 1-5
Passing yards: 181
QB Rating: 9.6