
Did Harry go back to school after the Battle of Hogwarts?

Did Harry go back to school after the Battle of Hogwarts?

Although Harry and Ron never returned to Hogwarts to finish their seventh year, Hermione put in the effort to get her N.E.W.T.s. “She would definitely, definitely go back, and she would want to graduate,” Rowling explained during an interview with PotterCast.

Where does Harry go after the Battle of Hogwarts?

Thanks to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, fans finally found out Harry’s career choice. Harry not only becomes a worker at the Ministry of Magic – he becomes the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. He works with Hermione, who is the Minister of Magic, and eventually Ron, who becomes an Auror.

What happened to the burrow after the war?

In 1997, following the death of Albus Dumbledore, the Burrow became the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

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Did Harry live in Grimmauld place after the war?

See, in Order of the Phoenix, the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Sirius are all living at 12 Grimmauld Place.

Why didn’t other wizards help Hogwarts?

They didn’t come because: 1) they are too far away; 2) it’s not the job of students and school staff to fight battles; 3) probably their ministries of Magic, when alerted for what was going on, thought it was best to remain neutral.

What happens to Kreacher after the 7th book?

After Mrs Black’s death, Kreacher let the home fall into disarray, doing little, if any, cleaning. Kreacher survived the final battle of the Second Wizarding War; it is unknown what happened to him later in life, though he died at some point after Albus Potter went to Hogwarts.

Did Harry and Ginny move to Grimmauld?

Although there is no answer to this question in canon, the most logical place for them to live is Grimmauld Place. The house belongs to Harry, and since ”the taming” of Kreacher, Harry felt much more comfortable with the place, regarding it as feeling like ”a kind of home” (Deathly Hallows Chapter 14).