
Did Kanan and Ezra know Ahsoka was a Jedi?

Did Kanan and Ezra know Ahsoka was a Jedi?

Dave Filoni has revealed on Twitter that Ahsoka Tano and Kanan Jarrus knew each other as Jedi Padawans during the Clone Wars… As Filoni explains, the pair did not know each other very well, but they did go through saber training together.

Do Ezra Bridger and Luke Skywalker have the same birthday?

It is stated in Rebels that Ezra was born on Empire day or the day that Palpatine came to power. From Revenge of the Sith, we know that Luke and Leia are born as Palpatine is declaring himself Emperor. So the three are all the same age probably the exact same day.

Why did Yoda tell Ezra to go to Malachor?

And of course – choosing to fight in the clone wars is the most prevalent example. Yoda didn’t send Ezra to Malachor in order to aid their fight against the inquisitors. But rather to warn him by showing him where the path of aggression leads.

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Did Hera know Ahsoka was Fulcrum?

At the end of Rebels season 1, it was revealed that the true identity of the Fulcrum that Hera and her crew were keeping in touch with was actually Ahsoka Tano.

Did Luke know about Kanan?

I just realized that Luke definitely heard of Kanan and Ezra. In the Rebels episode ‘A Princess on Lothal’ Leia sees both of them in action, using the force and their lightsabers.

Why did the Rebels go to Malachor?

The Mission to Malachor was a mission undertaken during the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the rebellion by Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka Tano, and the astromech droid Chopper to the planet Malachor to seek knowledge that would help them defeat the Sith and their Inquisitors.

What did Yoda say to Ezra?

While Kanan Jarrus was training his padawan Ezra Bridger, he told him what Master Yoda used to say: “Do or do not! There is no try.” Which both of them didn’t understand.

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Who was the first fulcrum?

As we found out at the end of that first season, Fulcrum was none other than Ahsoka Tano, the former padawan of Anakin Skywalker, and the title of Fulcrum is one that would be worn by several significant figures during the effort to fight back against the Empire.