
Did Obi-Wan not want to train Anakin?

Did Obi-Wan not want to train Anakin?

He never expresses any desire of his own to train Anakin. There it all is. Until Qui-Gon demanded it of him with his dying breath, Obi-Wan was never an advocate for Anakin’s training as a Jedi.

What is the saddest thing about Obi-Wan?

The saddest thing about Obi-Wan is that he will go down as a mediocre Jedi despite being outstanding in everything he did and excelling at fighting. This guy is not the chosen one, he is an underdog at best. And yet he has beaten the odds every time. He defeated Darth Maul as a young apprentice in a fair fight.

Would Obi-Wan have helped Anakin and Padme?

On The Tail End — The Malevolence Crisis. When it came to rescuing Padmé and 3PO, Obi-Wan found himself front and centre with Anakin. Now, don’t get Obi-Wan wrong. He loved Padmé as a good friend, though, he didn’t quite understand why Anakin had such a close connection to her.

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Why did the council let Obi-Wan train Anakin?

They knew Obi-Wan would not accept all too well that Anakin was trained by someone else. They knew of Kenobi and Jinn bond as Apprentice and Master. They wanted to make Anakin transition into a Padawan as easy as possible.

Why did the council let Anakin be trained?

the council thinks Obi-Wan and Anakin have a bond from what they’ve been through. following his master, Obi-Wan really believes in Anakin and his potential, and will commit fully to training him, where another Jedi might have reservations about taking such an old student.

How do Obi-Wan and Satine meet?

Satine And Obi-Wan Met When He Was A Padawan He and Qui-Gon were sent to Mandalore by the Jedi Council to protect Satine, who had recently become duchess. Their mission was to protect Satine from a group of insurgents who wanted to overthrow the current regime.

Was Obi-Wan lose to Anakin?

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Anakin probably lost his duel to Obi-Wan on Mustafar because he wasn’t using a key part of his power. He lost because he was over confident and thought he could jump over Obi-wan without Obi-wan being able to reach him.

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What was the last thing Ahsoka said to Anakin?

Ahsoka’s last line to Anakin used to be way different “She’s actually trying to signal to him: things are different, like I respect you, but things just aren’t going to be the same,” Filoni said, explaining why Ahsoka was a bit distant with her former master.