
Do amoeba have chloroplasts?

Do amoeba have chloroplasts?

Amoebas and euglenas are examples of — organisms. This means that they are only made up of – cell. food vacuole uni-cellular, amoeba, euglena, flagellum Like amoebas, euglenas contain cytoplasm and a nucleus. However, they also have chloroplasts, which make them look green.

Do amoeba carry out photosynthesis?

Amoebas are heterotrophic organisms, which means that they cannot make their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

Does amoeba have pigment?

Amoeba does not require any respiratory pigment to transport oxygen because it is a unicellular organism. Its oxygen requirement is met by diffusion and it gains its nutrition by using false feet or pseudopodia. Leaves need oxygen and carbon-dioxide (for photosynthesis).

Does euglena have chlorophyll?

Euglena are characterized by an elongated cell (15–500 micrometres [1 micrometre = 10−6 metre], or 0.0006–0.02 inch) with one nucleus, numerous chlorophyll-containing chloroplasts (cell organelles that are the site of photosynthesis), a contractile vacuole (organelle that regulates the cytoplasm), an eyespot, and one …

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Is amoeba eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Eukaryotes are highly organized unicellular or multicellular organisms, such as animals and plants. Prokaryotes, on the other hand, are basic single-celled organisms, such as bacteria and archaea. Amoebas are eukaryotes.

Do amoeba have mitochondria?

Amoebas are simple in form consisting of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. The outer portion of the cytoplasm (ectoplasm) is clear and gel-like, while the inner portion of the cytoplasm (endoplasm) is granular and contains organelles, such as a nuclei, mitochondria, and vacuoles.

Is Amoeba prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Does algae have chlorophyll?

While algae are often called primitive plants, other terms, like protists, can be used 4. While algae contain chlorophyll (like plants), they do not have these specialized structures 8.

Is amoeba prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

What Colour is an amoeba?

A tiny blob of colorless jelly with a dark speck inside it—this is what an amoeba looks like when seen through a microscope. The colorless jelly is cytoplasm, and the dark speck is the nucleus.

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Which animal contains chlorophyll?

A green sea slug appears to be part animal, part plant. It’s the first critter discovered to produce the plant pigment chlorophyll. The sneaky slugs seem to have stolen the genes that enable this skill from algae that they’ve eaten.