
Do NOS tubes really make a difference?

Do NOS tubes really make a difference?

N.O.S. tubes have a reputation for being better quality than tubes produced by the Russian and Chinese factories. preamp and power tubes are becoming steadily more expensive as the gulf in time between now and the time when they were manufactured widens.

What does Nos mean for vacuum tubes?

“NOS” stands for “New Old Stock”, which means that the tube has never been used and is from old production. In most vacuum tube circles NOS generally implies that the tube is in the original box. “NIB” stands for “New In Box”.

Why are vacuum tubes no longer used?

In the 1950s, the transistor started to replace the vacuum tube as vacuum tubes were larger, fragile like a light bulb, and expensive. As computing devices started to become smaller in size, transistors were more ideal to use due to their smaller size as well.

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How long do NOS tubes last?

Power tubes can last years in a light-playing situation while lasting only 6 months in heavy playing conditions. It is also dependent on how loud you play and for how long. Also if you don’t correctly match up the impedances, this will put strain on the power tubes and wear them down much faster.

Are JJ tubes good?

JJ EL34 tubes are very reliable and sound good too, but be careful to get EL34 tubes and not E34L tubes unless your amp was specifically designed for them. Tung Sols are good but a bit more expensive. The JJs are very reliable, a little more expensive, and sound pretty good.

How do I choose a vacuum tube?

Below are some recommended tips to implement to make the process go smoother.

  1. Markings matter. Each vacuum tube is stamped with a unique identification marking.
  2. Fit is not a performance indicator.
  3. Deal with a trained specialist.
  4. Know your budget.
  5. Selling site matters.
  6. Understand the JAN designation.
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How many hours do vacuum tubes last?

Tubes don’t just “quit” suddenly. They lose their drive capability gradually with use. Small signal tubes like a 12AX7 or 6922 will work well on average for about 10,000 hours. If you leave your equipment on 24 hours a day, well you do the math: There are 8,760 hours in a year.