
Do objects with opposite charges interact?

Do objects with opposite charges interact?

Objects with opposite charges attract each other. Ex: positive and negative attract each other. Magnets and electric charges are similar because both repel when they are alike and attract when they are opposite.

What will happen when objects with the same charge are placed near each other?

Like charges repel each other; unlike charges attract. Thus, two negative charges repel one another, while a positive charge attracts a negative charge. The attraction or repulsion acts along the line between the two charges.

How do objects with the same charge behave when they come close to one another?

Objects with the same charge repel (or push against each other). Objects with opposite charges come together or attract. Static means it doesn’t move so it is electric charge that builds up but can’t move.

What happens if two objects have different charges?

If two objects have different charges, they attract (or pull towards) each other. If two objects have the same charge, they repel (or push away) from each other.

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What happens to similar and opposite charges and how does it affect the movement of objects?

In contrast to the attractive force between two objects with opposite charges, two objects that are of like charge will repel each other. This repulsive force will push the two objects apart. Similarly, a negatively charged object will exert a repulsive force upon a second negatively charged object.

What do you think will happen if a charged object is brought close to a neutral object?

When you bring a negatively charged object close to a neutral pith ball, These positive and negative charges attract the two closer and if they touch each other, positive charges get nullified and both bodies become negatively charged. Once both are negatively charged, they tend to repel each other.

Can 2 like charges attract each other?

Yes, when the charge on one body (q1) is much greater than that on the other (q2) and they are close enough to each other so that force of attraction between q1 and induced charge on the other exceeds the force of repulsion between q1andq2.

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What happens when a negatively charged rod is placed near two neutral metal spheres?

A negatively charged rod is placed near two neutral metal spheres, as shown below. The spheres develop opposite charges. Electrons move from Sphere A to Sphere B.