
Do Orthodox churches have pews?

Do Orthodox churches have pews?

The nave is the main body of the church where the people stand during the services. In most traditional Eastern Orthodox churches there are no seats or pews as in the West, but rather stacidia (A high-armed chair with arm rests high enough to be used for support while standing); these are usually found along the walls.

What is an Orthodox church service like?

Much of the service follows a similar pattern to Roman Catholic Mass and Anglican Holy Communion . Orthodox churches have many symbols. Both art and music are used to deepen the spiritual experience of worshippers but musical instruments are not used during services. Singing and chanting creates a reverent atmosphere.

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Did churches always have pews?

However, many might be surprised to learn that pews didn’t come into existence until the early 13th century, and even then they were not anywhere near as numerous or as comfortable as we see now. As the premier manufacturer of church pews, we get lots of questions from customers about pews.

How long is an Orthodox Mass?

However, the all-night vigil is usually abridged so as to not last literally “all-night” and may be as short as two hours; on the other hand, on Athos and in the very traditional monastic institutions, that service followed by the hours and Liturgy may last as long as 18 hours.

What is the chancel used for in a church?

The east end of a church, traditionally the place where the high altar is located. Chancels may have seating for a choir, and there may be small chambers off the chancel, such as a vestry, an ‘office space’ for the priest. Chancels were often dominated by a large east window above and behind the altar.

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Can Orthodox go to Catholic church?

The Orthodox church does have valid sacraments that the Catholic Church recognizes, but from what I understand the Orthodox church will not permit a Catholic to receive communion. Going to an Orthodox church when no Catholic Church is available, will fulfill a Catholic’s mass attendance requirement also.

What are Greek Orthodox priests called?

Modern usage. The Eastern Orthodox Church often refers to presbyters in English as priests (priest is etymologically derived from the Greek presbyteros via the Latin presbyter). In this context, a priest’s first name is generally used after the word Father. Priests are often styled as the Reverend (Rev.)

Why are there no pews in cathedrals?

Many Anglo-Catholic parishes were founded at this time as “free and open churches” characterized by their lack of pew rentals. In mid-century reforms, pews were on occasion removed from English churches in order to discourage rental practices.

Why do Orthodox churches not use instruments?

The absence of a definite ruling on musical instruments in the canonical literature of the Orthodox Church points to the fundamentally economic nature of canon law: its function is to effect the salvation of believers, not to regulate mistakes and sins within the fold of the church.