
Do we have infinite thoughts?

Do we have infinite thoughts?

No, you say? When you die, your brain dies so that would end the thoughts, you aver. Therefore, the number of thoughts a person has is finite.

Are there infinite ideas?

An idea is a thought, plan, notion formed in the mind. The same way as one species gradually evolves and a new species is formed, so too can an idea evolve; thus, for both biological evolution and the evolution of ideas, or memes, the possibilities are infinite.

Do thoughts actually exist?

We are aware of our thoughts, so in that sense they are real. And yet, our thoughts do not exist outside of our awareness. There is nowhere else where the thought that is appearing to you at this moment is actually occurring. If you don’t engage with, or entertain that thought, it will literally not exist.

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Is thought finite?

Two unique thoughts can not be represented by the same brain-state. Since the space within the brain is finite, as is the number of particles in the brain, there are a finite number of possible brain-states. Since the number of possible brain-states is finite, so is the number of possible thoughts.

Do we have unlimited potential?

You can’t get to infinite potential by starting with finite potential. All of us start from infinity in certain areas, although we might not realize it. Your mind is capable of infinite thoughts, for example.

Is thought a matter?

Thoughts are not ethereal. They are representations of matter and are encoded in matter. They have shape and weight. Abstract ideas are analogically built from more concrete sensory representations.

Are humans finite?

All human beings begin life by being born – and all human beings die. In these two ways, we are finite: our lives are not endless, but they begin and they come to an end. Historically, however, philosophers have concentrated attention on only one of these two ways in which we are finite: mortality.

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Is the brain finite?

Yes, memory depends on forming new neural connections, and the brain has an infinite number of neurons and a limited space in which to add more connections between them. There is no such thing as ‘a memory’. …