
Do you learn Afrikaans in university?

Do you learn Afrikaans in university?

English and Afrikaans are spoken at most major universities, but some primarily use Afrikaans. Depending on where you’ll be studying, being fluent as a second language could benefit you.

Does NWU teach in Afrikaans?

Study guides are throughout available in both English and Afrikaans, and in some instances also in Setswana and Sesotho.” NWU has 52 000 contact and distance learning students at the campus, about 31 000 of whom are black African and 3 000 coloured.

What countries learn Afrikaans?

Afrikaans or Dutch as official languages

Country Population 2011 Speakers
South Africa Afrikaans 51,770,000 10,300,000 (19\%)
Belgium Dutch 11,303,000 1,469,000 (13\%)
Suriname Dutch 540,000 215,000 (40\%)

Is Stellenbosch University Afrikaans?

Stellenbosch University (Afrikaans: Universiteit Stellenbosch) is a public research university situated in Stellenbosch, a town in the Western Cape province of South Africa….Stellenbosch University.

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Universiteit Stellenbosch or Stellenbosch Universiteit
Administrative staff 2183
Undergraduates 19,042
Postgraduates 10,051

How many Afrikaans schools are in South Africa?

Motshekga said that there are 8,096 single-medium schools in South Africa….New language changes planned for South African schools.

Languages Number of single-medium schools
Afrikaans 1 261
IsiXhosa 163
IsiNdebele 85
IsiZulu 31

Why is NWU called pukke?

The name ‘Pukke’ came from Potchefstroom Universiteit Kampus (PUK). “The eagle symbolises NWU’s brand attributes,” says university spokesperson Bertie Jacobs, “which are value-driven, promotion of relevant graduates, vibrant students, socially responsive, as well as academic excellence.

How many students are at UCT?

26,357 (2014)
University of Cape Town/Total enrollment

Is Afrikaans an academic language?

Afrikaans was only recognized in 1925 as an official language of South Africa. There are only 5 languages in the world that were able to develop to a high level academic language in the 20th Century, and Afrikaans is one of them.

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How do I drop Afrikaans?

So, this is how you say “drop” in afrikaans….verminder.

English Afrikaans
1. dew-drop doudruppel
2. drop off aflaai
3. drop out uitval
4. drop-kick skepskop