
Do you need extracurriculars to get into UCLA?

Do you need extracurriculars to get into UCLA?

Conclusion: How to Get Into UCLA Not only will two admissions counselors review your application, but you also need a strong GPA and extracurricular activities profile to demonstrate your dedication to one or two pursuits. You also need strong essays that exhibit your personality.

Can I get into UCLA with 2 C’s?

It’s entirely possible. Hell, I had two C’s when I transferred to UCLA. Some will tell you that UCLA is only focused on GPA and standardized testing, but that’s not true. Each department has its own criteria for acceptance, and if you meet those in an exceptional way, your chances are pretty good.

What stats do you need for UCLA?

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To have the best shot of getting in, you should aim for the 75th percentile, with a 1510 SAT or a 34 ACT. You should also have a 3.9 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score.

How hard is it to get into UCLA as an international student?

For the 2019 fall session, the UCLA acceptance rate for international students was only 8\%. Around 111,322 students applied for the 2019 session, of which only 13, 720 students were selected for admission. Thus, it is very difficult to secure a position in the highly coveted seats of this university.

Is UCLA good for international students?

A diverse campus community, located in the vibrant, global city of Los Angeles, makes UCLA an ideal destination for international students. In fact, more than 12,000 international students call UCLA home. With accomplished faculty and extensive resources, we offer world-class academic opportunities.

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What are my chances of getting into UCLA?

Learn more about our chancing engine. UCLA’s admissions rate is 16\%, the lowest throughout the UC System. However, depending on your academic profile and extracurricular experiences, you might be much more (or less) likely to gain admission when compared with the rest of the applicant pool.

What GPA do you need to get into UCLA?

You’ll need to be at the top of your class to have a chance of being admitted to UCLA. You’ll need nearly straight A’s in all your classes to compete with other applicants, as the average unweighted GPA of UCLA admitted applicants is 4.0 and the average weighted GPA is 4.64.

How many AP classes do you need to get into UCLA?

Good grades alone are often not enough on their own to impress a top school like UCLA; you’ll also need to have earned them in the most challenging coursework available. Competitive applicants at top ten schools like UCLA will often have completed upward of 12 AP classes.

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Does UCLA use standardized test scores?

UCLA will accept standardized test scores as part of an application and use them to determine eligibility for the California statewide admissions guarantee, as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility, or for course placement after you enroll. UCLA will not use standardized test scores to make admissions decisions.