
Do you need to package a Photoshop file?

Do you need to package a Photoshop file?

No. And why would you need to? A Photoshop file is a single file. The only other files that could need to be saved and supplied with a Photoshop file are fonts.

Should I send PSD files to clients?

it is very important to give your clients psd files since they can edit them later if they want. Without asking here you must be supposed to give psd files. You have given no reason for that statement which unless the contract states that the files will be handed over is in fact incorrect.

Can you send a Photoshop project?

You can now email or share your creations to several services directly from within Photoshop. When you share a document by email, Photoshop sends out the original document (. psd file).

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Can you package Photoshop files?

You can package the Linked Smart Objects in a Photoshop document, such that their source files are saved to a folder on your computer. A copy of the Photoshop document is saved along with the source files in the folder. Choose File > Package.

How do I share a Photoshop file with someone?

When you share a document by email, Photoshop sends out the original document ( .psd file). For certain services and social media channels, Photoshop automatically converts the document to the JPEG format before sharing. In Photoshop, select File > Share. Alternatively, click the icon in the options bar.

Do you use Photoshop’s native PSD file format?

Photoshop has a ton of different formats to save files as—from JPEG, PNG, and GIF for web-based work to TIFF, EPS, and PDF for print. However, when I’m delivering final files to clients, for most work I use the native PSD format. Here’s why: I work primarily on book covers and interiors.

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How do I share an image in Photoshop without losing quality?

In Photoshop, select File > Share. Alternatively, click the icon in the options bar. In the Share panel, choose whether you want to share the full-sized asset or a smaller version of it.

What file format do you save your photos in Photoshop?

Photoshop has a ton of different formats to save files as—from JPEG, PNG, and GIF for web-based work to TIFF, EPS, and PDF for print. However, when I’m delivering final files to clients, for most work I use the native PSD format.