
Do you put a comma between Yes sir?

Do you put a comma between Yes sir?

In direct address, a comma before the addressee is traditional and acceptable: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.” However, as noted in CMOS 5.47 of the 14th edition, expressions like “yes sir!” may be considered almost as a single word and omit the comma, especially when a true direct address follows (“Yes sir.

Is there a comma after good morning sir?

A salutation usually has two components: a greeting or an adjective, and the name or title of the person you’re addressing. However, a comma should separate a direct greeting and a person’s name. So if you were to write “Good morning, Mrs. Johnson,” you’d have to place a comma between “Good morning” and “Mrs.

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How do you write yes sir in English?

used for expressing strong agreement: He asked if he could talk to me, and I said, “Yes, sir.”

Is it you sir or you sir?

Conclusion. You need to capitalize sir when you are starting a letter or email. You also need to capitalize sir if you are using it as an honorific before the person’s name. In every other case, sir should be lower case.

Is there a comma in good morning everyone?

The same applies even if the sentence ends after the salutation. In this case, you can say “Good morning, Jim.” or “Good morning, everyone.” If you include another salutation beforehand, include a comma between that salutation and “good morning.” For example, “Hello, good morning.”

Is there a comma after Good afternoon?

If you writing an email or letter and not using a salutation, you should use a comma right after saying “good afternoon.” For example: Good Afternoon, Please find attached the report you were asking for.

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How do you use Yes sir?

used for expressing strong agreement: He asked if he could talk to me, and I said, “Yes, sir.” Want to learn more?

How do you use sir?


  1. 1 —used without a name as a form of polite address to a man of rank or authority (such as a military or police officer, teacher, or master) “At ease, lieutenant.” “Yes sir, captain.”
  2. 2 —used without a name as a form of address at the beginning of a formal letter Dear Sir or Madam Sirs.

Is it Dear sir or Dear sir?

In general, we use “Dear Sir” for male, “Dear Madam” for female, and “Dear Sirs” if one is not sure about the sex of the person the letter is being directed to or if one is writing to more than one person.

What is the correct way to say good morning everyone?

In this case, you can say “Good morning, Jim.” or “Good morning, everyone.” If you include another salutation beforehand, include a comma between that salutation and “good morning.” For example, “Hello, good morning.”

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Is there a comma after everyone?

Yes, as a matter of grammar, you need this “vocative comma,” because you are addressing “someone:” a group conceptualized by the indefinite pronoun “everyone.” Thanks, everyone!