
Does Facebook delete messages for both sides?

Does Facebook delete messages for both sides?

To delete messages on Messenger from both sides, hold the message, select “More…”, select “Remove”, and tap on “Unsend”. After you’ve tapped on “Unsend”, the message will be deleted from your side of the chat and the receiver’s side of the chat. The “Unsend” option means to delete the messages from both sides.

Does FB Messenger store deleted messages?

Delete Stored Chat Messages Facebook stores your chat messages by default, but you don’t have to keep them. You can delete messages permanently from the conversation history stored in Facebook Messages.

Where do deleted Messenger conversations go?

From the More dropdown menu in your Messenger inbox, tap Archived. Here, you’ll see all the messages you’ve archived. Hopefully, you’ll find your “deleted” message here. (Alternatively, you can search the contact’s name in the search bar, and your full conversation history should pop up.)

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Does Messenger save messages forever?

Unless you actively delete the history between you and another user, Messenger retains the entirety of your back-and-forth conversations, stretching back years. It could be jarring to some to be hit with an old thread with an ex or a family member or friend who has passed.

Can you recover deleted conversations on Messenger?

Restore Deleted Messages via Facebook Messenger on Android Open Facebook Messenger on your device and head to your recent conversations. Click on the search bar to search the conversation that you previously archived. Once you find the conversation, simply select it and press Unarchive Message option to unarchive it.

What happens to messages when you permanently delete Facebook?

Deleting Facebook account permanently will delete your name and profile picture from the message. But the conversation will be still there in other person’s inbox. But there will not be any hyper link related to your profile. So, no one can tell with whom this conversation had happened.

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How to delete a message from Facebook Messenger for both sides?

Permanently Delete a Facebook message from Messenger for both sides Just like WhatsApp’s Delete for Everyone feature, Facebook Messenger too offers its users the feature to delete messages for both sides, i.e., the “Remove for Everyone” feature.

When you delete a conversation on Messenger does it delete for You?

When you delete a conversation on Messenger does it delete for the other person? When you delete a conversation on Messenger, it does not delete it for the other person. Your messages will only be deleted for the other person if you unsent all of them individually.

How long does it take to delete a message on Facebook?

As we have mentioned earlier in this article, Facebook only allows you to delete a message from both sides within 10 minutes of sending the message. You can’t delete the message after 10 minutes of sending it. But why is there a limit of only 10 minutes?

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How to recover deleted Facebook Messenger conversations?

If that’s the case, you can easily recover those FB conversations by unarchiving them. Step 1: Open the Facebook Messenger app on your Android/iPhone device. Step 2: Navigate to the search bar and search the name of the person you think you’ve deleted the conversation with.