
Does FedEx deliver to your door if you live in an apartment?

Does FedEx deliver to your door if you live in an apartment?

FedEx. Get your packages delivered to your apartment from FedEx with custom delivery options from FedEX Delivery Manager. You can customize your experience for future deliveries, and even choose the option to not require signature release if you won’t be home.

How do you receive packages in an apartment?

How to Get Packages Delivered to Your Apartment – 8 Tips You Need to Know

  1. Ask Your Property Manager.
  2. Contact the FedEx Office.
  3. Go Directly to the Shipping Company.
  4. Consider Using Swapbox.
  5. Require a Signature.
  6. Purchase a Secure Lockbox.
  7. Have It Shipped to Your Office.
  8. Sign Up for Delivery Text Alerts.
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Where do packages go when you live in an apartment?

Instead of delivering to your mailbox or one of the parcel lockers, parcel carriers will either deliver your packages to the front door of your apartment (or the most secure entry point) or to the leasing office. The carriers will likely visit your front door first.

Can I nail stuff in my apartment?

Depending on the apartment community, your lease agreement may prohibit nail holes or even place a pricey fine on wall damage. Using nails is the most common way to position wall hangings, but it isn’t the only option.

Can FedEx leave packages in mailbox?

Delivering mail straight to your mailbox would be a benefit to these companies. Right now, UPS or FedEx carriers can’t stick a package in a postal mailbox, so they spend extra time walking up and down those driveways.

Does FedEx deliver to parcel pending?

Couriers deliver your package into the Parcel Pending Electronic Locker System. * A courier is the delivery service (FedEx, Amazon, etc.) Go to the Parcel Pending locker room and retrieve your package by typing your unique access code into the screen.

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How do I stop someone from stealing my package?

How to Prevent Package Theft: Top 8 Tested Ways

  1. Use Smart Package Lockers or Convenience Store.
  2. Install Security Cameras to Prevent Package Theft.
  3. Have Packages Delivered to Your Workplace/Office.
  4. Get Amazon Key for Your Package Delivery.
  5. Require Signature on Delivery to Stop Package Theft.

What do I do if my FedEx package is stolen?

Contacting FedEx for your stolen package FedEx provides a clear claim process for stolen packages. As such, if you placed an order and shipped any items through FedEx, you can easily claim for the lost package online. Once you have placed the claim, the courier resolves the claim within five to seven days.

Does FedEx deliver to your door?

The short answer is yes. When FedEx handles a package, the sender determines whether or not a signature will be required. If no signature is required the driver is allowed, at his or her discretion, to leave the package on the porch or doorstep, or with your neighbor. That is considered delivered.