
Does Lord Sesshomaru care about Rin?

Does Lord Sesshomaru care about Rin?

He cares deeply for Rin and she is the one to break his cold exterior by caring for him when he was injured, despite her being a human child. He is only openly caring towards Rin. Even when his own mother questioned him about it, Sesshomaru made it clear that Rin was worth giving up his life to save.

What is the relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin?

Sesshoumaru and Rin’s relationship to almost all in the Japanese fandom as romantic when Rin comes of age for that time period. Not only do those fans see them as what Americans call it a “Canon” couple but they are well aware of poly-amorous relationships widely accepted back in that time and era.

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Why does Lord Sesshomaru hate Inuyasha?

Sesshomaru: Sword Inheritance Battle. Sesshomaru despises his half-brother Inuyasha because he cannot accept that his father’s blood runs in Inuyasha’s veins. He constantly taunts and insults Inuyasha for his half-breed pedigree. His hatred grew when Inuyasha became the master of the Tessaiga.

Why is Rin sealed in the tree of ages?

Rin loses consciousness, and Sesshōmaru and Jaken take her to the Sacred Tree of Ages to seal her within, hoping to slow the process of the curse. Four years later Zero finds the twins, and orders Homura to set the forest on fire.

Is Rin the mother of sesshomaru’s daughter?

Episode 15 of Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon finally confirmed what many fans had been suspecting as Rin was revealed to indeed be the mother of Sesshomaru’s daughters, Towa and Setsuna.

Is Rin the mother of Sesshomaru’s daughter?

Who did Sesshomaru have a baby with?

After dancing around it with a series of teases in the first 14 episodes of the sequel, the episode finally cemented that Sesshomaru and Rin became a “couple” (as much as Sesshomaru can be a part of one, anyway) and had children with one another.

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Is Rin still alive Yashahime?

Rin is currently sealed in the Tree of Ages in a sleeping state, and Sesshomaru is apparently coming to see her still. Many fans think that when the catastrophe happened to the rest of the cast, Sesshomaru attempted to save her by preserving her body.

Why is Rin tied to Yashahime?

Following the destruction of the Grim Comet, Zero appeared before Rin. Saying that she couldn’t allow a human woman to be loved by a demon, she placed a silver-scale upon Rin’s neck, therefore intertwining their fates. To keep Rin from succumbing to the silver-scale curse, Rin was sealed within the Sacred Tree of Ages.

Why is Rin in a tree?

One of the show’s greatest mysteries is what happened to Rin after she married Sesshōmaru and gave birth to their half-demon twin daughters, which caused her to float unconsciously in the Tree of Ages since the series began.