
Does OBS need more CPU or GPU?

Does OBS need more CPU or GPU?

Even if you encode with CPU (x264), OBS needs a minimum amount of GPU power to do the video compositing. A GT 710 isn’t suited for OBS operation at all. You will get rendering lag with it. Even iGPUs might become overloaded, if you compose your scenes with more than 1 or 2 sources.

What specs do you need to stream 1080p 60fps?

For 1080p video at 60 frames per second, the recommended bitrate is between 4500 and 6000 kbps. The required upload speeds are between 5.6 Mbps and 7.4 Mbps.

Is GPU or CPU more important for streaming?

The GPU is the most important component for gaming, but it’s also used for streaming, though not as much as the CPU. On a gaming PC, this component typically costs more than any other, and for good reason.

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Is a Ryzen 5 3600 Good for streaming?

The reason the Ryzen 5 3600 is so much better for gaming and streaming though, is its support for simultaneous multithreading. That means that even though the CPU has six cores, it can actually address 12 threads at one time.

How do I make OBS use CPU not GPU?

How to Enable Hardware Encoding (NVENC) in OBS

  1. Overview. The benefit of hardware encoding is that it reduces the load on your CPU by using a purpose built piece of hardware on your Nvidia graphics card.
  2. Go to settings. Go to ‘settings’, then select ‘output’ from the side menu.
  3. Enable hardware encoding.
  4. Done!

What CPU can stream 1080p?

If you want to stream a game at 30 FPS with 1080p resolution at a decent level of quality, you would need to dedicate an entire core of an Intel CPU running at 3 GHz or higher. If you’re using a dual core CPU, that’s 50 percent of your CPU.

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Is Ryzen 3600 good for streaming?

Can OBS run on i3?

It *can* – but it really depends what you want to be recording/streaming at the time, along with the generation of the i3. Especially with older i3s, any title that requires significant CPU resources will likely not run too well, with OBS requiring some of those resources to be shared.

Which processor is best for OBS studio?

OBS Studio System Requirements AMD FX series or Intel i5 2000-series processor (dual or 4-core preferable) or higher. DirectX 10 capable graphics card. At least 4 GB of RAM (recommended, but not necessary)