
Does spinal fusion surgery limit mobility?

Does spinal fusion surgery limit mobility?

Spinal fusion is only performed when painful symptoms are already limiting your mobility — and taking a toll on your quality of life. When you move, you probably hold your back as stiff as you can to prevent those painful symptoms. So in essence, your condition is already significantly affecting your mobility.

Can you walk with a fused spine?

Walking and Moving After Spinal Fusion Surgery In some cases, the physical therapist may advise the patient to use a walker for stability. The occupational or physical therapist also helps arrange medical equipment for later use in the person’s home, if needed.

Can you bend with a fused spine?

When Bending, Lifting, and Twisting Are Allowed Once the surgeon confirms on x-ray imaging that the fusion has completely solidified into one bone, a full return to an active lifestyle—including bending, lifting, and twisting—is permitted.

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What can you not do with a spinal fusion?

Activity Restrictions After Spinal Fusion Surgery

  • No bending. Bending at the knee and hips are fine, but no bending the back (spine).
  • No lifting. Lifting anything that weighs more than a gallon of milk—about 8 pounds—is not advised.
  • No twisting.
  • No driving.

Can you cross your legs after spinal fusion?

Never cross your legs. Adjust the backrest to support your lumbar spine (at waist level). If your seat is not adjustable, use a folded/rolled towel or pillow for support in the small of your back.

How far can you walk after spinal fusion?

Gradually increase the distance you walk and, if weather permits, you may walk outside. You should be able to gradually increase your distance until you can walk about one mile within one to two months after surgery.

What happens if you bend over after a spinal fusion?

Putting undue stress on a bone that needs healing often exacerbates an injury. Apply that same concept to recovery from spinal surgeries. Avoid bending at all after a lumbar fusion if possible, as bending or twisting can interfere with the way the fusion heals and even damage the work that was done.

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What are the limitations after spinal fusion?

Avoid strenuous activities, such as bicycle riding, jogging, weight lifting, or aerobic exercise, until your doctor says it is okay. Do not drive for 2 to 4 weeks after your surgery or until your doctor says it is okay. Avoid riding in a car for more than 30 minutes at a time for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery.

Can I cross my legs after spinal fusion?