
Does varicocele cause urinary problems?

Does varicocele cause urinary problems?

Although most patients are asymptomatic and diagnosed occasionally, some patients may present with pelvic pain, perineal discomfort, painful ejaculation, or lower urinary tract symptoms. Occasionally, infertility may be the chief complaint.

What are the disadvantages of varicocele?

Untreated varicoceles of large veins can cause overheating. That, in turn, affects the number, mobility, and quality of the sperm. Men who are infertile and diagnosed with varicoceles often have low testosterone levels, too.

Can varicocele cause other problems?

Varicoceles can cause three main problems: Impaired fertility, decreased testosterone production by the testis, or scrotal discomfort. For this reason, they are not usually treated unless there is reason for concern about one of these problems.

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Can varicocele affect kidneys?

Although varicoceles and acute kidney injuries are common problems in medicine, they are uncommon presentations of these rare tumors and easy to miss. We report a case of a large adrenocortical carcinoma that presented as testicular pain, varicocele, and acute kidney injury secondary to renal vein thrombosis.

What is the natural way to cure varicocele?

Some believe that Kegel exercises can help in alleviating the symptoms of varicocele. These are easy-to-do pelvic exercises that, when done consistently, can improve and restore muscle tone and blood flow. They are thought to relieve issues like incontinence and varicoceles.

Can varicocele be cured completely?

The good news is that varicoceles are treatable. Dozens of reports have been published demonstrating the benefit of varicocele surgery to improve sperm counts. Yet, varicocele repair remains controversial, particularly for small varicoceles that cannot be seen or felt on a physical exam.

What happens if varicocele is not treated?

Varicocele is the engorgement of veins within the scrotum. Untreated, it may cause low sperm production and decreased sperm quality, which may lead to infertility.

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How can I reverse my varicocele?

Varicoceles can be reversed through both surgical procedures and a nonsurgical treatment option. These treatments are designed to decrease the pressure in the varicose veins that make up the varicocele. Varicocelectomy is a surgical procedure that involves tying off the veins that are causing the varicocele.